Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Essential Qualities of Successful Design Managers

As an experienced architect, James Hanis has led comprehensive design projects for organizations such as the City of Daytona Beach's Public Works Department, Orange County Capital Projects Division, 3-D International, and URS. James Hanis possesses over 25 years of project management experience in developing theme park attractions and currently serves as a Walt Disney Imagineering design manager. Here are some fundamental strengths a successful design manager should possess.

Good design managers have a long-term vision that effectively directs team members towards a defined goal. Under good leadership, a group of designers can complete their work with confidence and make progress to achieve the group's objectives. 

In addition, to achieve design solutions most efficiently it is important that design managers possess good project management skills and can create realistic deadlines that consider the capabilities of the design team. A proactive design manager seeks to understand his team’s capabilities by recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of individual team members, and assigns each project task to the most appropriate person.

Last but not least, a design manager should possess technical expertise in a relevant area, be it sketching, mechanical knowledge, renderings, or 3D, to be an effective and communicator and mentor to team members.